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Electronics After Storm Damage

8/15/2023 (Permalink)

Taking Certain Steps Quickly Can Help Save Electronics in Your Home

After any flood, the damage to your home's contents can be severe. Not only are furniture, flooring, and documents at risk, but electronics can also be ruined by water. Televisions, computers, power tools, appliances, and other devices require immediate attention to have the best chance of being saved. 
Homeowners with flood damage typically have electronics that they're worried about, whether the flooding was caused by a storm or burst pipe. Not only is replacing these items an extra expense but going without certain electronics for even a short amount of time can be a huge inconvenience. Whether any specific piece of electronic equipment can be restored or saved depends on a number of factors. 

It's not just the standing water in a flood-damaged house that poses a threat to electronics, but humidity as well. This becomes a bigger issue the longer it takes to get the flood damage restoration process started. Our team will dehumidify your home to get things stable and decrease the chance that your electronic devices will incur damage.
Exposure to Water 
The less water that has been in or around an electronic device, the more likely it can be saved. For instance, a microwave sitting on a wet counter can have the excess water wiped from its base, while a laptop that's been submerged in water is a much greater challenge and may not be salvageable. SERVPRO® takes special measures when handling electronics in a home with flood damage, which can often save the equipment. 
Preventing Further Damage 
When you call SERVPRO after your home has encountered flood damage, it's important to avoid turning on your electronics. It's tempting to see if each item still works, but doing so can increase the chances of irreversible damage. Once we're on the scene, we'll quickly work to save your electronic equipment if at all possible. 
If you need to restore your home after a flood, count on the experts at SERVPRO of Oviedo / Winter Springs East. We'll do our utmost to help you keep your possessions and avoid the cost of replacement. For more information about our flood damage services or to get a quote, call us today!

How to Prepare Before a Storm

What to do before the storm:

  • Check that loose items such as outdoor furniture, umbrellas, and trampolines are safely secured.
  • If it is safe to do so, check that gutters, downpipes, and drains are not blocked.
  • Park your car undercover and away from falling debris.

What to do during the storm:

  • Stay indoors and away from windows.
  • If outdoors, stay away from drains, gutters, creeks and waterways, where the water can move up to 10 miles per hour.
  • Be prepared for power outages, if possible carry flashlights or any portable light.
  • Floodwater is dangerous and toxic – never drive, walk, ride, or swim in floodwater.

What to do after the storm:

  • Check your home and property for damage.
  • Keep clear of damaged buildings, power lines, and trees.
  • Be aware of road hazards such as floodwater, debris, and damaged roads or bridges.
  • Do not drive through affected areas unless it is absolutely necessary.

If you suspect damage after a storm, count on the experts.